Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead

POTS/POTY/CPOTY/COTY Selection Process

This page sets out how Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead Branch select the following awards each year.

1. Pub Of The Season (POTS)

Pub of the Season (POTS) Selection Procedure

1. All members of the Slough Windsor and Maidenhead Branch of CAMRA are invited to nominate one pub of their choice for each of the following categories:

a. Spring Pub of the Season;

b. Summer Pub of the Season;

c. Autumn Pub of the Season;

d. Winter Pub of the Season.

2. To be nominated, a pub must have been open for a minimum of 6 months without change of management.

3. To make a nomination, the member must have visited the pub in the previous three months.

4. To make a nomination a member must include their name, membership number, completed CAMRA Pub of the Year (POTY) Judging Form and confirmation that they have visited the pub within the time limit above.

5. The POTY Competition Procedure and Judging Form can be downloaded here.

6. Members can make nominations in person at the relevant branch meeting, or in advance of the meeting via email to the Branch GBG and NBSS Coordinator, at ku.gro.armac.mws@rotanidro-oc.gbg

7. From these nominations, a shortlist of 6 or 8 pubs for Pub of the Season will be produced by those attending the Branch Pub of the Season selection meeting.

8. The shortlist so produced will be voted on at the above meeting by members of Slough Windsor and Maidenhead Branch who are present, taking into account the number of nominations and scores on the judging forms.

A pub may be nominated for more than one seasonal award, but can only win one POTS award in any one year.

2. Pub Of The Year (POTY)

1. A shortlist of a maximum of eight candidates for the Branch Pub of the Year award will be produced. The shortlist will consist of:-

a. Each winner of the four Pub of the Season (POTS) categories.

b. Four pubs selected from the top of the current year’s Good Beer Guide (GBG) list of pubs, giving extra weight to pubs that support CAMRA’s aims, organise events, beer festivals, community activities, etc.

c. Brewery tap rooms will not be included.

2. The shortlist of candidate pubs will be voted upon by the membership via email, giving them the opportunity to vote for their first and second choice of pubs, by a specified deadline (usually early March).

3. Members who do not have email can submit their votes in person at a Branch meeting, or by giving them to a committee member, or by post to the GBG and NBSS Coordinator, 6 White Rock, Maidenhead SL6 8UD, providing that they reach the Coordinator by the specified deadline.

4. Only votes from individuals, who are members of the Slough Windsor and Maidenhead Branch at the time of voting, will be accepted.

5. The winner of the Branch POTY award will be submitted by the GBG and NBSS Coordinator to the CAMRA Regional Director by the deadline specified by CAMRA (usually mid-March).

3. Cider Pub Of The Year (CPOTY)

4. Club Of The Year (COTY)

we are currently reviewing the number of clubs in our branch that allow CAMRA members to visit, either by signing a guest book or paying a small fee and will publish rules in due course.

If any club wishes to publicise the fact that they allow CMRA Members to visit pleased contact Ann Beauchamp at ku.gro.armac.mws@reciffo.sbulc.